101,830+ dreams turned into reality
We totally understand wanting to be sure you’re working with a trusted company. Since 2008, we’ve helped over 100,000 customers turn their dreams into a reality, becoming the world’s best work & travel brand. We’re fully accredited, with international offices in Vancouver, London, Gold Coast, and Melbourne. Plus, we have over 10,000 verified 4 and 5-star reviews. For a closer look at what we’re about, check out our About Us page or connect with us on Instagram, where we have over 250,000 followers and customers regularly sharing snapshots of their adventures.
When you book with us, you’re not just paying for the basics – you’re investing in a hassle-free, once-in-a-lifetime experience. Why spend weeks after you arrive trying to get set up on your own, burning through thousands of savings, and risking having to cut your trip short if things go wrong? Instead, by booking with us, you get the expertise of the world’s leading work & travel company. We provide you with certainty and peace of mind, so you can focus on enjoying your adventure, and usually end up saving you thousands by not risking things. Plus, our industry-leading tech, expert support, and exclusive Social app to connect with other Global Travellers, ensure your trip is as fun, stress-free, and well-planned as possible.
Life can be unpredictable, and that's why we created our Lifetime Deposit Guarantee. If plans change, your deposit can usually be transferred to another trip, so you’ll never lose it. If you've already paid in full and need to change your travel dates, we can often adjust things at no extra cost, depending on timing. Find out more here.
Definitely! Many of our travellers bring along friends or partners. Just let your Trip Coordinator know after you register, and we’ll connect your profiles to ensure everything is planned in sync. The earlier you start planning, the better, as it gives us more time to arrange everything smoothly.
And if you’re a solo traveller – don’t worry! In fact, most Global Travellers head out on their own and end up meeting lifelong friends from all over the world. Plus, with our exclusive Social app, connecting with other travellers is a breeze – you can link up with other solo adventurers and make new friends, even before you head out on your trip! You’ll always have a great community to connect with, no matter where you are.
Of course! Just scroll down to the "Get in touch with us" section, where you can chat with us via Live Chat, give us a call, or schedule a call with one of our Work & Travel Experts. We’re here to answer any questions and help make your trip planning easier!
Our team of friendly Work & Travel Experts are available to talk travel and answer any questions or wonders you may have.
Level 1, 55 Collins Street
Melbourne, Victoria
Australia, 3000
Level 2, 194 Varsity Parade
Gold Coast, Queensland
Australia, 4227
Level 8, 333 Seymour Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada, V6B 5A6
3 Waterhouse Square, 138 Holborn
London, England
If you live in any other country, contact our HQ on our international number.
Level 1, 55 Collins Street
Melbourne, Victoria
Australia, 3000
Level 2, 194 Varsity Parade
Gold Coast, Queensland
Australia, 4227
Level 8, 333 Seymour Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada, V6B 5A6
3 Waterhouse Square, 138 Holborn
London, England
If you live in any other country, contact our HQ on our international number.
Global Travellers, friends and family can contact our emergency line for any desperate travel support - 24 hrs Mon-Fri.
+1 647-694-0188Send us a message on Facebook and chat with our expert social media team.