101,830+ dreams turned into reality
Sick of advertising jobs, shortlisting candidates and paying ridiculous fees to do so? Fair enough. Tap into our extensive pool of working holidaymakers, just like thousands of other organisations worldwide, and reap the benefits of our free & premium service (Bet you’ve never seen those two words in the same sentence before).
Running a meaningful project or a sustainable program is hard work, and we take our hats off to you. If you need more hands on deck to help you make a difference, we would love to match you with volunteers & travellers that are just as passionate as you are. We work closely with many foundations & groups worldwide, and we may be interested in yours too.
Whether it’s a service or exciting new campaign, if you’ve got ideas up your sleeve, then please get in touch with our marketing team. As a fast-growing business with a strong worldwide presence, this is a perfect opportunity for you to partner up with an innovative and industry-leading brand that’s moving mountains.
See what some of our partners have to say.
Global Work & Travel was instrumental in the development of a strong team of talented employees to create amazing experiences for our guests at the Sea to Sky Gondola this summer and last summer. The Global team listened to our needs, provided us with well screened candidates in a timely manner and made the process very easy and smooth. Our team members from Global Work & Travel were some of our strongest team members this last year. We are extremely grateful for the support we received and plan to work with the team at Global for many years to come.