100,764+ dreams turned into reality
We have been blessed to be able to live and work in some of the most beautiful places on earth. From the beaches of Costa Rica, to the jungles of Thailand and the wetlands of Spain.
We know that these places wouldn’t be as magical without the animals that live there.
Animal welfare has always been at the very core of everything that Global Work & Travel does. For years, we have been assisting with projects around the world helping the plight of mistreated, forgotten or endangered animals. But now, we want to do more in our home of Australia, so the Global Animal Welfare Fund (GAWF) was born.
Our mission is to provide much needed funds to animal projects in Australia, with a view to soon fund overseas projects once our charity status is broadened. We will assist local animal shelters by providing vital equipment, infrastructure and professional care. We aim to provide food and shelter to domestic farm animals rescued from slaughter as well as fund education within local communities on animal welfare.
GAWF has only been registered since late 2019. In the aftermath of the Australian bushfires we were called into action straight away! The devastation of the bushfires was felt heaviest by the wildlife of Australia (it’s estimated that over 1 Billion Australian animals perished). As an Australian-founded international business, this hit us where it hurt the most, and we knew we had to do something to help. Global Work & Travel launched a campaign company-wide offering to match all staff fundraising by 2:1, meaning we were able to raise much needed funds to help with the wildlife rescue & recovery efforts by numerous non-profit organisations.
Global Work & Travel has always been passionate in supporting our animal friends long before the establishment of GAWF though. We are founders in the creation of Rescue PAWS, a rescue group in Thailand looking after the street dogs of Hua Hin. We have helped countless travellers get overseas to volunteer with animal organisations and we regularly provide financial support to the Animal Welfare League of Queensland in Australia, and many overseas animal shelters.
GAWF’s main focus will be alleviating the suffering of farm animals. We have already established connections with local farm animal sanctuaries that will use our funds to provide direct care to chickens, pigs, sheep, cows, horses, goats, etc. that need protection and care. As we see it, these farm animals live in much more suffering than your average domesticated animal or wildlife. GAWF will also look to help underfunded organisations that look after Australia’s native animals, such as wombats and koalas.
COVID-19 brought many issues to light. Cruel wet markets and the like can be traced back as the source to not only Coronavirus; but also Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Ebola and even HIV. Not to mention the shocking conditions and abuse that the animals are subjected to in these situations. GAWF is committed to bringing these issues to public attention and we will fight to improve the treatment of animals worldwide.
As we said, animal welfare is at the core of everything we do. We know that the tapestry of our gorgeous planet would be incomplete without the animals that call it home. We have to protect that at all costs. For years, we’ve been supporting organisations with these same values in mind. To a point where we will (and have) cut ties with anyone that has breached these values.
We also advocate for a cruelty free lifestyle (keep it green, swap beef for beans). In our offices around the world, we only provide plant-based milk in our staff kitchens and cater only vegetarian & vegan food at staff events or company parties. We also actively encourage staff to adopt shelter animals, and have dog-friendly offices.
Our founders have been animal lovers their whole lives. It has always been their dream to run a successful business in order to give back to this cause. Whether that be through volunteering overseas (by both sending countless travellers to help or by getting in and helping themselves) or having adequate funds to make a real difference.
Unfortunately, many other businesses have done this for the wrong reasons. If you make a staff party a “fundraiser” it becomes tax deductible. Overheads can be through the roof, and at the end of the day, they get nothing done. GAWF isn’t like this. Our costs are covered by Global Work & Travel and all funds contributed to the Global Animal Welfare Fund will go straight to where they’re needed most.
If something doesn’t seem right, it’s probably not right. Trust your instinct.
Don’t ride elephants
Don’t get selfies with tigers, monkeys or most other animals.
Make sure any zoo you visit has an ethical track record, we highly suggest visiting a non-profit sanctuary instead.
Be careful of local delicacies; avoid shark fin soup & civet coffee, plus many other exotic cuisines derived from animals.
If you want more information on how to make sure you’re not unintentionally hurting any of our animal friends when you travel, we’ve written a handy guide here on our Global Roaming Blog
If you care as deeply about the plight of animals around the world as we do and would like to help, you can do so by donating here. Every dollar goes to the cause.
Of course, if you want to get your feet on the ground, pull your sleeves up and make a huge change in person, we have a range of trips that would be perfect for you.
Get to the gorgeous Eastern Cape of South Africa, tracking movements and helping in conservation of the “Big 5” in a private game reserve.
Work on the beach in Costa Rica, making sure that sea turtles laying eggs are protected, while collecting valuable data for conservation efforts.
Volunteer with our street dog charity Rescue PAWS in Thailand. Based on the beach in gorgeous Hua Hin.
In this trip you’ll be getting hands on in an animal shelter in Costa Rica. Taking care of a whole range of vulnerable animals, including sloths!
For those whose hearts are too full of love and don’t know how to choose. This trip is the combination of our Street Dog & Elephant Rescue trips.
Get to visit multiple elephant sanctuaries in Thailand to rehabilitate some of these gentle giants who have been mistreated.
Helping out with the plight of the Vervet Monkey in South Africa. Rehabilitate mistreated or orphaned monkeys and get them back to the wild.
Experience the incredibly unique Galapagos Islands in an incredibly unique way. Get amongst giant tortoises, penguins and marine iguanas while protecting these animals through conservation work & community education.
Right in the middle of the jungle, this trip is something special. You’ll be tasked to take care of any animal in need, with the hopes you can get them back into the jungle.
Volunteer in the Namibian desert, monitoring the movements of elephants and improving the livelihood of communal farmers.
Love the ocean? Help protect this precious ecosystem by scuba diving and documenting various species while experiencing the local African lifestyle.
This trip is like the Big 5 except you’ll come back a qualified Game Ranger!
Global Work & Travel wants to make the world a better place for our furry/scaly/feathered (and all other) friends, but we can’t do it alone. Animals in all shapes and sizes the world over face gruesome existences and destinies due to mankind’s greed and destruction. Please help us fight this battle that they can’t speak out about, by becoming a donor of the Global Animal Welfare Fund.
Plus stay up to date with our charity to see where your donations are going by signing up to our mailing list. We won’t spam you :)
The Global Animal Welfare Fund Ltd. ABN 676 3199 4995